Why is it important to microchip my pet?
Losing your pet can be a traumatic and even tragic event. Conscientious pet owners protect their pets with collars and ID tags. Unfortunately, collars and ID tags are not foolproof and animals can still
Pet of the Month- Nayla from SNORT Rescue
Nayla is an adorable, seven-year-old Frenchie who can’t wait to find her perfect forever home and since everyone who meets her falls head over heals in love with her, it shouldn’t be difficult! This girl
Tips for making trips to the vet less stressful for your cat and you!
There are more cats in American homes than dogs, yet despite their popularity, the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) reports that cats are brought to the veterinarian less often than dogs. Why is this
Protecting your pets from snakes-Part 2
Part 2 (For Part 1 click here) Diagnosis There are currently no definitive tests to determine if an animal was bitten by a venomous snake or to measure how much venom was injected. Diagnosis is
Featured Pets-Willie & Mannie
We rescued Willie and Mannie from the Humane Society of Broward County, a fantastic animal shelter in South Florida. We weren’t looking for cats, in fact after losing our last cat, I said I would
Protecting your pets from snakes Part 1
Every year around 150,000 dogs and cats in the United States are bitten by venomous snakes. Most occur when it’s warm outside, so before you and your pets rush out to enjoy the warm weather,
Featured Pet – Oski
It seems only fair that the first “Pet of the Month” would be my own dog Oski. The manner in which he entered our lives makes me believe that it was fate that brought us
Summer pet safety tips as seen on KUSI
It has been a hot summer! Most of the country has been hit with heat wave after heat wave. When the temperature rises, the risk of summer dangers also rises, especially for your pets. Follow
Protect your pets from the sun
Did you know pets get skin cancer too? Just like us, dogs and cats are susceptible to sun damage. Excess sun exposure can lead to sunburns and skin cancer in our animal friends. Most dogs