Category: <span>Blog</span>


Disaster Preparedness for your Pets

Unfortunately natural disasters like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and wild fires are an inevitable part of life. Though we cannot prevent them, we are not completely helpless. We can improve our chances for a safe outcome by becoming better prepared for …


How to Keep Your Pets Safe & Calm During…

How to keep your pets safe and calm during a thunderstormThunderstorm season is officially here. Unfortunately, when thunderstorms roll in, many pets, just like us, experience anxiety and stress. As a pet parent, it can be unnerving to see your otherwise calm pet become anxious and frantic. So how can …


Tips to Keep Pets Safe this July 4th

The 4th of July is right around the corner and while we may love 4th of July celebrations, the loud noises can create severe anxiety in our furry friends. Sadly, every year many frightened pets also become lost during the …


Tips for Traveling with Pets

Summer is almost here. For many people, that means family vacation time. Since most Americans consider their pets to be members of the family, it wouldn’t be a vacation without bringing their pet along. Unless you want your vacation to …


How to Reduce Your Pet’s Carbon Pawprint

April is Earth Month, a great yearly reminder to reflect upon how our actions impact the planet. You drive an electric car and bring your own bags to the grocery store. You care about greenhouse gases and your carbon footprint.


Spring Cleaning Tips for Pet Parents

Spring is here and that means time it is time for Spring cleaning. If you have pets your house may be extra messy! Whether it’s the endless shedding, litter tracked everywhere, or a trail of muddy pawprints, they seem to …


How to Keep Your Pet’s Teeth Clean & Healthy

February is National Pet Dental Month and reminds us of the importance of pet dental health. Did you know that dental disease is the number one pet health issue? According to the American Veterinary Dental Society (AVDS), 80% of dogs …


Keeping Your Pets Safe This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is almost here! That means lots of chocolate, candy and flowers. Unfortunately, that also means lots of sick pets! Every year around this holiday, thousands of pets are hospitalized when they eat something they shouldn’t have eaten. To …


Winter Weather Pet Safety Tips

As the temperature drops across the country, make sure you know how to keep your pets safe. Here are 5 simple tips to keep your pets safe and warm this Winter.

1. Stay indoors and invest in winter apparel
