Author: <span>ruthmacpete</span>


Cool New Pet Products from SuperZoo 2023

Pet retailers from around the world were in Las Vegas this week to showcase their latest pet products. SuperZoo, the pet industry’s largest trade show in North America, features every kind of pet product imaginable all under one roof. Since …


Tips to Keep Your Pets Safe & Cool This…

Summer is almost here! As the temperature rises across the country, the risk of summer dangers also rises, especially for your pets.

Follow these simple tips in order to keep your pets safe and cool this summer:

1. Whenever possible


Hurricane Safety Tips for Pets

Hurricanes are powerful tropical storms that can leave destruction in their path and can endanger your household. Although there is nothing we can do to prevent hurricanes, we can be better prepared to improve our chances for a safe outcome. …


Common Pet Poisons: How To Keep Your Pets Safe

March is Poison Prevention Awareness Month. Every year, thousands of pets are accidentally poisoned by common household products, foods, and plants. Here are some of the most common household hazards:

1. Human medications.

According to ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center, …


February is Pet Dental Health Month

No one likes to go to the dentist, and dogs are no exception. But like humans, pets also need routine dental care. Imagine what your teeth would look like if you never brushed them. According to the American Veterinary Dental …


How to Keep Indoor Cats Active & Engaged

 Most people know that there are several health benefits to keeping cats indoors. Cats that are allowed to roam outside face many health hazards and have shorter lifespans than indoor-only cats. Outdoor cats can get into fights with other cats …


2022 Pet Friendly New Year’s Resolutions

2022 is here! And if you are like me, you have already made your New Year’s resolutions and are ready to start working on your new goals. But have you thought about making New Year’s resolution for your pets? To …


The Scoop on Kitty Potty Problems

It can be very upsetting when your cat urinates outside their litter box. Feline inappropriate elimination (FIE), or house soiling, can be a challenging problem to solve, leaving many feeling overwhelmed. In fact, FIE is one the main behavioral reasons …


Keeping Pets Safe From Fire Dangers

July is National Pet Fire Safety Day. According to the American Fire Administration, house fires affect approximately 500,000 pets each year. Make sure you know how you can keep your pets safe from fire dangers.

Prevent Fires

The first step …